Part # 100.14030601
This holder was designed in our shop to fill the need for holding small drills concentric to parts being made in the lathe spindle. The trouble with what is on the market is that loosening the two screws in a “V” block or bushing holder lets the holder fall, which then requires it to be re-centered by knocking it around The weight of the holder is not supported when not clamped. Repeatability with another drill is iffy.
This holder doesn’t work that way. Small ER-8 collets (also called MPC10™) do the holding. The collet holder is pushed around to position with set screws, and then lightly locked into position after indicating. The holder can take up to .015” (.38mm) t.i.r initial spindle off-center mis-alignment.
Patent pending

With the 1 mm collet standard with the unit, pc board drills of many sizes can be held and centered with great precision. Or different collets can be used down to .43mm. Collets down to .0078” (.198mm) can be purchased from Rego-Fix ™.